Faith and Fellowship

Music Ministry at St. Catherine Alexandria Parish

Phil Caffee, the Director of Music and liturgy at St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish in Oak Lawn, IL, has a vision that encompasses the entire parish community. From the youngest children in the Mustard Seeds Choir to the seasoned voices of the Adult Choir, Caffee is dedicated to ensuring a musical place for everyone in the parish. His passion for music and ministry is evident in the diverse range of choirs and ensembles he oversees, each contributing to the parish’s spiritual life in unique ways.

“My vision for the music ministry is to have something for everybody,” Caffee says, reflecting on his approach to building a music program at the parish. This inclusive vision has driven him to create opportunities for all ages and skill levels to participate. “Last year, we started the Mustard Seeds Choir for kindergarten through second grade,” he shares. “The idea comes from Matthew 17:20-21, where Jesus talks about having faith as small as a mustard seed. We want to plant those seeds of faith early, even through music.” Caffee also launched the 8th Grade and High School Music Ensemble last year, though it’s still in its infancy. “It takes time to grow things, but we’re committed to nurturing that growth,” he says optimistically.

In addition to these younger groups, the parish’s Bell Chimers play alongside the Children’s Choir, and the Adult Choir, known as the Hallelujah Choir, remains a cornerstone of the music ministry. “The goal with our adult choir is not perfection,” Caffee emphasizes. “It’s about making a joyful sound together and fostering a community surrounded by music.” Including a hand chime choir is another way Caffee has broadened the scope of the music ministry. “The hand chime choir is awesome for people who may not sing but love music,” he says. “It gives them something to do, a way to be involved.”

Caffee is also deeply involved in the parish’s media ministry, which he sees as an essential extension of his work in music and liturgy. The media ministry plays a crucial role in enhancing the worship experience and reaching a wider audience. “We started putting music on the wall instead of using hymnals, which opened the door to a media ministry,” he explains. “Now, kids and adults help run the slides during Mass, and we also record all our Masses to share on social media and our website.” This initiative has allowed those unable to attend in person to participate in the worship.

Caffee embraces this blend of tradition and innovation wholeheartedly. The Contemporary Praise Ensemble, featuring bass guitarists and a drummer, is one example of how he’s introducing more modern elements into worship. “People never thought they could have drums in church, but it helps enhance the worship experience,” he says. We’re trying to have a place for everybody.

For Caffee, fostering a love for music and faith in the young members of the parish is a priority. He works closely with the parish school and the religious education program to encourage participation in the Children’s Choir and the Mustard Seeds Choir. “It’s about teaching the faith through song, even at a young age,” he says.

The impact of the music ministry at St. Catherine’s is far-reaching, both within the parish and beyond. Caffee is proud of their technological advancements, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, which allowed the parish to stay connected through online praise and worship concerts, prayer groups, and livestreamed Masses. “We received a grant from the archdiocese to get the technology we needed to stream Masses, and we still livestream to this day,” he says. “It’s another opportunity to evangelize and reach people who might not be able to attend in person.” Last year, the ministry added a “Prayer, Bread, & Song” aspect where parishioners gather once a month to make sandwiches, pray, and sing a song.

Looking to the future, Caffee envisions continued growth for the music ministry. “We want to increase participation in each group and think about new groups we can form, like a men’s choir or a family choir ministry.” This commitment to growth is a source of hope and excitement for the future of the parish’s music ministry. “We want everyone in the parish to have a place musically.”