Annual Catholic Appeal

Lumen Cordium Society

The Lumen Cordium Society (Light of Hearts) is the giving society for the Annual Catholic Appeal. Established in 1996, the Society celebrates those who believe in the mission of the Church and choose to give resources that will have a lasting impact.

Catholic women and men who choose to become part of the Lumen Cordium Society set an example of good stewardship as they positively impact people and ministries in need of assistance. Their gifts serve as testimonies to their belief in the Church’s vision and mission to build a vital, vibrant and life-giving community of faith.

The Society’s purpose is to establish a legacy of strengthening the faith and spiritual future of new generations of Jesus’ disciples. Society members have made significant gifts totaling over $148 million dollars to the Annual Catholic Appeal.

Patronage Levels

While the satisfaction derived from advancing the mission of the Church in Chicago is the greatest reward, the benefits described below are intended to convey Cardinal Cupich's gratitude for your support.


Those donating at the $1,500 to $4,999 level will:

  • Receive Lumen magazine twice a year
  • Be included in the Prayer Intention Book of Society members
  • Be invited to the annual Mass and reception with Cardinal Cupich
  • Be remembered in weekly Masses celebrated at the Saint James Chapel in the Quigley Pastoral Center


Those donating at the $5,000 to $9,999 level will:

  • Receive Patrons benefits
  • Receive a subscription to Chicago Catholic, the archdiocesan newspaper

Cardinal’s Circle

Those donating at the $10,000 to $24,999 level will:

  • Receive Benefactors benefits
  • Be invited to a Christmas reception with Cardinal Cupich

Cardinal’s Guild

Those donating at the $25,000+ level will:

  • Receive Cardinal’s Circle benefits
  • Be invited to a special dinner with Cardinal Cupich

For more information, please contact Krista Cobb at [email protected] or 312.534.7615.